KB Lab at DHBenelux: Frame Generator, Genre Classifier, Web Archive & Bazaar


Want to know more about the recently published tools Genre Classifier and Frame Generator? Research software engineer Juliette Lonij, developer of both tools, will be presenting her work together with the researchers she worked with at DHBenelux.

  • 10:00 Room: D25, 003 - Automating genre classification of historical newspaper articles. Mapping the development of journalism’s modes of expression. Frank Harbers and Juliette Lonij
  • 14:00 Room: D25, 003 - The “Frame Generator”. An alternative method for approximating core meanings in texts. Joris van Eijnatten and Juliette Lonij.

Want to know more about webarchiving and what the KB is doing? Go to the presentation of our colleague Kees Teszelszky:

  • 10:00 Room: D25, 101 - Research opportunities for the archived web in the Benelux

We will also have a stall at the Bazaar where we will showcase what we're doing at the KB, in our KB Lab and answer any questions you might have about our recently opened Researcher-in-residence call for proposals.