The special web collection internet archaeology Euronet-Internet (1994-2017) [Webcollectie internetarcheologie Euronet: websites gehost bij provider Euronet-Internet (1994-2017)] is made up of archived websites hosted by internet provider Euronet between 1994 and 2017. The collection was started in 2017 and ended in 2018. Identification of websites for harvest is done by Peter de Bode and Kees Teszelszky as part of the KB web archiving project “internet archaeology.” Euronet is one of the oldest internet providers in the Netherlands (1994) and has been bought up by Priority is given to websites published in the early years of the Dutch web (1994-2000). These sites can be considered as “web incunables” as these are the first digital born publications on the Dutch web. Some of the digital treasures from this collection is the oldest website of a national political party, a virtual bank building and several sites of internet pioneers dating from 1995.
Information about the collection and its heritage value can be found in a collection description (in Dutch). The collection can be studied on the terminals in the reading room of KB with a valid library card. Researches can also use the dataset with URL’s and a link analysis.

When using this dataset we request you to cite it as follows:
Bode, P. de, Teszelszky, K. (2018) Webcollectie internetarcheologie Euronet: websites gehost bij provider Euronet-Internet (1994-2017. KB Lab: The Hague.
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Waar kan ik de webcollectie vinden?
Het webarchief is toegankelijk via de publieksterminals in de leeszalen van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek voor pashouders. Beschikbaarstelling via de KB-website is vanwege juridische belemmeringen vooralsnog niet mogelijk.