UCMS Yearly Seminar: Premodern Reading Cultures Between Transforming Materialities


Curator of Digital Collections dr. Steven Claeyssens will be speaking about Publishing Large Collections of Digitized Materials: the example of the ‘Delpher collections’ at the annual Utrecht University Centre for Medieval Studies seminar. 


What: This year’s UCMS Seminar will be devoted to the connections between reading cultures and the transforming material features of the medieval book: from scroll to codex, from parchment to paper, from manuscript to print, and recently from printed to digital facsimiles.

By bringing together book historical, art historical, literary, and cultural perspectives, the seminar aims to provide a multidisciplinary outlook on the influence of transforming materialities on the transmission and use of texts. The presentations at the UCMS Seminar not only focus on research results, but may also discuss ongoing research or broader developments within the field.

The event is mainly intended for RMA students, PhD’s and Early Career Scholars, but all those who are interested, in particular all UCMS members, are welcome to attend.

When: 14 October 2022 from 11.00 until 17.00

Steven Claeyssens Publishing Large Collections of Digitized Materials: the example of the ‘Delpher collections’ is apart of Panel 2: Digital Materialities that starts at 14.15. 

For information about attending and details about the program visit the UCMS Seminar event page.