On the 15th of Februari the KB_Datalab was opened! This new space within the KB is meant for researchers of digital collections. In here they may research data which cannot leave the KB premises due to copyright or privacy issues.

With the KB_Datalab the KB hopes to open up collections which are not publicly available, but still interesting for researchers. It is especially meant for researchers who want to preform computational analyses on these digital collections. We provide access by creating a closed environment where the data cannot be copied from. The results of the preformed research will be available for the researcher to take with them, after a thorough check by the KB.
How to use?
At the KB_Datalab you can find two workstations in the physical space, which will allow you to perform computational analysis on our digital collections. Collections and equipment can be set up upon request under specific conditions. To use this facility you need to contact the KB Dataservices. With them you can discuss the possibilities. You also need to be a member of the KB.