KB Lab member Martijn Kleppe will be present at the Digital Humanities 2017 conference in Montreal, Canada. Together with researchers-in-residence Melvin Wevers and Thomas Smits, he is co-organising the pre-conference workshop 'Computer Vision in Digital Humanities'. Short details about the call for abstracts can be found below.
Call for Abstracts
Computer Vision in Digital Humanities
3rd Workshop on AVinDH, to be held at the Digital Humanities Conference DH2017, Montreal, Canada
Date: 7 August 2017
Deadline for Abstracts: 31 May 2017
url: https://avindhsig.wordpress.com/workshop-2017-montreal/call-for-abstract/
Workshop Overview
This full-day workshop will start with a keynote address by Lindsay King & Peter Leonard (Yale University) on “Processing Pixels: Towards Visual Culture Computation”.
This keynote will be followed by: Paper presentations based around three themes: 1) Results or ongoing work and research in which computer vision was applied and what opportunities and challenges were faced. 2)How can cooperation between Humanities researchers and computer vision experts be improved so both can benefit of each other’s expertise? 3) What kind of large publicly available annotated datasets are of use for Digital Humanities researchers?
A hands-on session in which participants will be able to experiment with open source Computer Vision tools. This session will be led by Benoit Seguin of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (EPFL). Lightning Talks allowing participants to share their ideas, projects or ongoing work in a short presentation of two minutes. Registration for this session will take place during the workshop so no submission is needed for part of the workshop.
Submission Details
The workshop organisers invite abstracts for paper presentation (max 500 words) that deal with one or more of the aforementioned themes. To submit an abstract, please send a docx or pdf file to martijn.kleppe@kb.nl before May 31 2017. Accepted abstracts will be published on the website of the AVinDH Special Interest Group (https://avindhsig.wordpress.com/ )
Important Dates
Deadline: 31 May 23:59 2017
Date for notification: 15 June 2017
Workshop: Monday 7 August 2017