WAC 2021 - Improving the quality of web harvests using Web Curator Tool


The Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands together with the National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ) will hold a presentation about how they perform quality assurance in the webarchive. 


The annual Web Archiving Conference (WAC), organised by the IIPC and the National Library of Luxembourg. This year’s events will be held online and are organised in partnership with the National Library of Luxembourg. The conference brings together world experts in web archiving and, while it usually attracts the international community of web archiving practitioners, it is intended for a wide audience including archivists, curators, software developers, researchers, and anyone interested in working with digital content.

The Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands will also be present and together with the National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ) they will hold a presentation about how they perform quality assurance in the webarchive using the archiving software Web Curator Tool. The presentation is held by Jeffrey Van Der Hoeven, Ben O’Brien, Hanna Koppelaar, Trienka Rohrbach, Andrea Goethals and Steve Knight. It is a part of session 9: "quality assurance & control".

Time & date: 15 June, 21:45-22:30 

The abstract about the presentation can be found on the abstractpage

For more information about sessions 8,9 and 10 please visit the eventpage.

For more information about registration visit the registrationpage