
    This is the PoliticalMashup ngram viewer. The ngram viewer makes it possible to visualise the frequency of a certain phrase (a combination of successive words) in the Delpher collection of digitised Dutch newspapers from 1840-1995. An ngram is a sequence of words, where e.g. 'minister' would be a 1-gram or unigram, 'prime minister' a 2-gram or bigram, 'deputy prime minister' a 3-gram or trigram, and so forth. 

    It is important to note that the distribution of KB newspapers over time is not uniform. The corpus shows a heavy bias in favour of newspapers published in the World War II period. In order to prevent each graph from looking the same, irrespective of the ngram used, the y-axis will display the relative frequency of an ngram in a particular year rather than the absolute term frequency. 

    PoliticalMashup is a start-up project including the University of Amsterdam Informatics Dept., the University of Groningen Documentation Centre for Political Parties (DNPP), and the University of Twente Computer Linguistics Dept. 

    Please note! The content of the ngram viewer has not been updated since it developed in 2013. 


    When using the Newspaper ngram viewer, we request you to cite it as follows:

    B. de Goede, J. van Wees en M. Marx, 'PoliticalMashup Ngramviewer', in: Proceedings of the 13th Ductch-Belgian Workshop on Information Retrieval 2013, p. 54-55.


    Enter one or more phrases in the search box, up to a maximum of 5 words. A graph will display the occurences. By clicking on a dot in the graph, the collection can be searched for occurrences in a specific year. This enables researchers to access the scans themselves and the context. 

    Please note that the data in this tool has been normalised. Interpunction and capitals have been removed to ensure 'Lorem' and 'lorem' are seen as the same terms. However, this also means that when capitals do indicate a difference (for instance in the name 'Bakker' versus the profession 'bakker'), this difference is lost.